Monday, February 20, 2012

Totally unrelated to baking, but....

Thursday 16th February 2012
Celtic Thunder show @ Allphones Arena, Sydney

OMG. WOW. WHAT A DAY! That was the best day I have ever had and won't forget! I didn’t get to sleep the night before until after midnight, and I was up at 6 out of excitement! The day had finally arrived!
I arrived at the stadium about 10:15am (I happened to be staying only 15-odd minutes away) and met up with Maree. It was really good to finally meet her in person after getting so excited together over facebook for this day.

We were the only two around for the show at that time. We had a good ol' chat as we start to have a wander around the arena. We stopped at the main entrance when Maree told me to look up, and what do I see but an enormous Celtic Thunder banner!  The guys' pictures were larger than life and looking so handsome! 

We keep heading round the arena to see what's there and discover the loading dock...we think it's the only way in and out for the guys. As we are walking to the dock, we see this tall man in white running gear and a hat coming out. I'm looking at this man thinking he looks familiar,….could it be?....'George!' I called out. Maree hadn't given him a second thought until I said that. Yes, it was in fact George Donaldson heading out for a run (and he said some people didn’t believe he ran!). He stopped to have a bit of a chat with us and told us that Ryan was already out running! Maree told him about the flyers she was going to hand out for Ryan's solo CD. He made a deal with us that if we came back in 2 hours to grab some flyers off him for his own CD to hand out, he would sign some stuff for us. (Bit disappointed though as he didn't come back out like he said, he’s the only CT member I didn’t get a photo with). Anyway, we then let him go off for his run and decided that where we were was a good area to hang out, we had a view of the parks and paths, the loading dock, and around towards the front of the stadium, so we could see everyone who was wandering around.
Just before 11, we spot this man in black out for a run over near the park...we are pretty sure that was Ryan! Unfortunately he couldn't hear Maree when she called out, we think he had his iPod on, so we just stared after him as he went off. We never saw him come back, so we kept second-guessing whether it was actually him or not...
  11:20, we spotted the next CT performer - Keith Harkin! He came out on his skateboard and gave Maree a quick hug as she was over that way close to him, but he didn't stop to talk and went off first down the hill then back up past the arena. He came back about 15mins later shirtless - Oh What a Sight! I still don’t see what Maree’s problem was……hehe.
Probably not long after Keith came out, 3 more people walked by. We didn't take much notice at first, didn't recognize them straight away, but as they passed us, we realized who they were (it was a Eureka moment) - and how did we not recognize them sooner?!?(Shame on you, Louise!) It was Nicole Hudson (CT band - violin), Barry Kerr (CT band – whistles/bodhran/guitar) and the one and only, Mr. Neil Byrne, wearing his well-worn blue Pepsi T-shirt!!! We didn't want to disturb the 3 of them though, so we just let them go by, staring after them as they went (we did a lot of staring that day). About quarter to 12, Barry returned on his own, so we asked if he'd mind taking a couple of photos with us. He didn't mind, so we then had our first photos of the day with someone from CT! After that, we moved over to a bench closer to the loading dock, and in some more shade - it was turning out to be a rather warm and sunny day.
Just before 1pm, I happened to notice a couple of people coming up the ramp (it was the brown shirt Emmet was wearing that I noticed first) and I interrupted Maree who was talking to her sister at the time. ‘Hang on.......!' Maree stopped talking and I pointed over to the dock. Lo and behold, it was Ryan Kelly and Emmet Cahill! We walked up to them, but they couldn't stay as they had somewhere to be. Ryan said they'd be back in about an hour, so we said we'd see them then, and off they went.
Maree and I went and sat back down on the bench and started chatting again. Maree's sister had been with us for a little while, so they were talking and then said goodbye. I was still scoping out the area, keeping an eye out, when over near the fountains and jetty I spotted a familiar-colored shirt. I couldn't be sure, but I thought it might be Neil and Nicole slowly returning. I kept looking over there, watching, waiting...eventually they started heading back in our direction, so I said to Maree 'I think that's Neil over there!'. They headed back our way, and I was right. Both of them said hello as they came up, so we asked if they'd mind stopping for some photos. They didn't mind at all, Nicole even offered to take the photos. I have to say my hands were shaking like a leaf at that stage, because Neil just happens to be my favourite! (I told him that too). Such a gorgeous and lovely man, I cuddled up to him for a couple of photos *sigh*.

 Then Maree had a photo with Neil and Nicole, and then Nicole took one of Maree, Neil and I. I was so starstruck with Neil that I didn’t realize till after they had gone that I forgot to give Neil his drawing and get an autograph! NOOOOOOOOOO! But I did still get my photo with him, which is more than I can say for any other fans that went to the show (other than Maree of course). 
 We asked what time sound check was as well, 4pm Neil said, so at least we knew when we wouldn't see them outside again after that.  We also learnt that they had sold about 4,500 tickets for the Sydney show. I mentioned that I had come over from Perth, he asked how far away it was, 'about 4000kms'. He said 'wow that’s a long way!' I told him not as far as you guys have come. Every time either I or Maree mentions that I had come from Perth to the guys, they're always a little shocked lol. After our great chat, Neil and Nicole went back inside and we sat down so I could calm down a bit (definitely needed!). By now, it was only 1:30pm and we had seen all 5!!  Once the shaking stopped, we decided to move down to the next set of benches on the other side of the loading dock so we would be closer to Ryan and Emmet when they returned around 2pm. 
While we were waiting, we had a look down into the loading dock (we hadn't seen it from this view) and saw...dun-dun-dunnnn....the tour bus! So naturally, photos were taken! But wait!....2pm came and went...still they hadn't appeared...then 2:30....we figured they must have gotten lost somewhere! We were on constant watch by this stage, wondering where they had gotten to. Had another glance into the dock, and What The?!? Another tour bus came out of hiding! Smaller than the first and totally black. So yes, more photos...
FINALLY, just before 3pm, we spotted Ryan and Emmet returning. Pretty sure they were a little surprised to see us still there, but they happily stopped and talked to us. Turns out they'd gotten a chance to go on a tour of the ANZ stadium next door, and it took longer than they expected. They apologized for taking so long, and we got ready for some photos. I remembered my drawings this time, so got them out and handed them to the guys. They loved them! They were amazed and wanted to know how I'd done them. I had them sign one of my copies too, and then it was photo time. 
Maree got a photo each with Ryan and then Emmet. Me, however, I got in the middle of an Irish sandwich! I was very comfortable there cuddled in between Ryan and Emmet. Maree was having issues with taking the photo; I said 'take your time!' It was funny when Emmet was trying to tell her how to take the photo. 
 Alas, it was over all too soon! They headed in and we sat down to breathe and calm down. They are all such lovely (and gorgeous) men! While we were sitting down, guess what I noticed? Yet ANOTHER tour bus pulling into the dock! That's right, bus number 3! This time is was a big white one, still not quite as big as the first though.
It was a little after 3pm now, and because Ryan and Emmet had come back, we could go and find some food! So we wandered up past the arena and ANZ stadium to the shops that were up there. Got some grub and hung out there for an hour or so. Before we left I took a photo of the stadium so I could say 'that's where Ryan and Emmet went!’ (and where Ryan took Emmet's twitter photo)
We started to wander back down after 4pm; surely some other thunderheads would have turned up by now?? Up until then it had just been us two, everyone else there were either tourists or just there for the exercise. Got a couple of different shots of the arena and made it back where, yes, finally people had started arriving. I was very surprised with that, I would have thought more people would be there during the day, but I’m very glad they weren’t! I think that made it better, because the guys were happy to stop and chat and do photos, there weren't crowds of people wanting their attention. Also means that we were the ONLY people to get those one-on-one photos with them, unlike the meet and greet with heaps of people around. It was special!
5pm and it’s almost time for the meet and greet! We could see the merchandise stand being set up, and I was going around with Maree who was handing out flyers for Ryan's solo CD. 
And then… it was time! 5:15pm us VIPs were let into the arena to huddle in a group before being taken to the club rooms for the M&G. We were handed our signed programs as we walked in, signed by Ryan and Keith - they were the two doing it tonight. 
I grabbed an empty table and was later joined by Ellen and Nicole, locals who had been lucky enough to win a competition for VIP tickets (they'd only had platinum before), and then Larissa and her mum and grandmother, who also happened to be from Perth! I told them that I had been there all day, and they didn't believe me when I said I'd met them all, so out came the camera! CT really brings people together! We had a good time chatting together as we were served drinks and canapés.
Thennnnnnnn, what we were all waiting for - it was time for Ryan and Keith! Unfortunately there wasn't time for individual signings, only photos, hence why the programs were already signed. I lined up holding my remaining drawings and it was soon my turn for a photo. I handed Keith his drawing, he was amazed by it as well, wanting to know how it was done, and I asked Ryan if he could pass on George and Neil's drawing to them. Yay, I got another Irish sandwich lol, between Ryan and Keith...yummy! It was over so quickly! 
Our VIP gift was a copy of the Heritage DVD, I already have it (Australia is sooo behind!) but no biggie – you can never have too much Celtic Thunder. I sat back down with my new CT buddies and we got chatting again. All too quickly, Ryan and Keith had to leave, and more food was served. We swapped FB's and then it was about 6:30. We were told we could move into the arena when we were ready, but we decided to hang around inside for a while longer, and glad we did, we got these yummy chocolate things on sticks....mmmm....chocolate!!! After that Ellen, Nicole and I headed downstairs to the merchandise booth. I was disappointed they didn't have the CT bears, but ended up getting a tour t-shirt, another shirt, a tote bag and keying. Then I made my way into the arena through door number 5 for my seat. As soon as I walked through those doors, ‘Wow’ was all I said. 
The set was amazing! It’s so much better when you see it in person. I walked down the stairs past all the elevated seating and down to the floor. An usher showed me to my seat, 5 rows from the stage in the centre, seat 29. Absolutely awesome seating! So close I can almost touch them! I got talking to the woman beside me about Celtic Thunder and we had a good chat. When the two ladies on the other side of me got to their seat, we talked as well. Everyone was so excited to be there, the set looked awesome! I told them that I had flown over from Perth; everyone always seems so surprised when I tell them that!  But Celtic Thunder is definitely worth it!
About 7:30pm, the support act, Greg Arthur, came onstage. He wasn't bad. Had a sense of humor. He introduced himself and started his act, what he called 'music to take your seat by' lol. He was only on for about 15 minutes before he finished, then the countdown was on to the main event!
8pm hits, the lights go down and out comes the Celtic Thunder Band to rousing applause. It's finally time!! They tune up and then we hear thunder.... pipes.... flute...
'Out of the mists of time it comes,
Older than the oldest rhyme it comes,
Coursing through our veins it comes,
Pulsing in our brains it comes,
Crashing like a thunder roll echoing in our very soul.
Listen for it as it comes,
The pure, unprimal sound of...

And then Declan begins while lightning flashes behind him. Faint lyrics begin...everyone knows what it about to come....the cello and violin start then drums...and finally......Ryan, Neil, Keith, Emmet and George are on stage!!! What we've all been waiting for, the crowd goes wild! Emmet's long coat was a bit too big for him, but they all looked so handsome! I have to admit, I was singing along pretty much the whole show! They finished Heartland to the sound of thunderous applause. They all ran offstage except for Keith who grabbed his guitar and introduced the next song - Mountains of Mourne. George was up next with The Voyage. Ryan with Ride On, Neil with Noreen, Emmet with Kindred Spirits and then the second ensemble number, Raggle Taggle Gypsy. It was a big winner; I especially loved the drum battle part between Declan, Barry and Neil! The first act went pretty much according to the program, continuing with Keith and The Island, George with Working Man (which ended with ensemble), and an absolutely amazing acapella of Danny Boy which was breathtaking. Neil with the song I had been longing to hear the full version of, Past the Point of Rescue, which I loved. Rounding out the first act was Emmet with Remember Me, Recuerdame, and ensemble with Caledonia, always a big hit. The first half was over far too quickly, but it was nice to give my hands and voice a rest! There aren’t really enough words to describe what it was like being there. Seeing them live, the atmosphere of the arena…..The DVDs definitely won't ever be the same again!
We had a 20 minute interval but I didn't want to leave my seat, so I sat there, tweeted and facebooked everyone, and compared purchases with the lady next to me. I bought a rocky road ice cream from a vendor as she went past...very weird ice cream I must say. It was a rather impatient wait until the lights finally went down again and the next act began. Once again the band got lots of applause as they set up and then it was time for Ryan with Heartbreaker. Oh My Goodness, boy can he act the bad boy so well, but is nothing like it in real life. And the killer, his trademark 'Welcome to the PLEASUREDOME!' I'm fairly certain that made just about every single female in the audience's knees go week! Next up, instead of When you Wish upon a Star, Neil sang the Billy Joel song She's Always a Woman....omg...I could have died. That was breathtaking! I think it’s a new favourite (and I also think it’s on Voyage). I already love Neil (yep, I told him personally that he's my favourite) and that song just made me love him even more!  Next, Ryan was back with Desperado, beautiful as always, but I couldn't help but look to a certain area as he sat on the lone backwards chair in the middle of the stage. At the end after Ryan swung the chair across his back and left the stage, Keith returned with his own song Lauren & I. George sand the emotional The Old Man next, then the group came out and sung a special Australian version of Steal Away for us. It was beautiful. We had a very energetic sing-a-long of 500 Miles after that, which was fantastic! I’ve been told that we didn’t get to hear I Wanna Know What Love Is, I could have sworn we did, but I have to admit some parts of the show are a bit blurry coz of all my excitement, so I will go with what they said and we didn’t have it lol. Therefore, next up it was time for another fan favourite, That’s A Woman, with Ryan and Emmet. Amazing as always, and the two really get into their characters well! Emmet came back with a beautiful rendition of This Is The Moment, he is amazing with that song! Next up was a bonus, made me so happy…The guys all came back out with their instruments for Galway Girl!!! I love that song! I was grooving along, singing out loud…Loved it! They finished to thunderous applause and left the stage. The band left as well, but were soon back for Appalachian Round Up – lots of fun to watch.
And so, as it always must, we came to the final song. Bittersweet, the show went by so fast, but an amazing song. Ireland’s Call. George, Ryan, Keith, Emmet and Neil returned to the stage decked out in their finest Kilts featuring the thunderbolt and so it began. In the audience, we were up on our feet, singing along with them…it was a fantastic sight! The song ended with a standing ovation that they thoroughly deserved. The Celtic Thunder show was the best night of my life, I have to say. It was sadly over all too soon, it could never be long enough with those Irish Men. I just keep reliving that day over and over in my head….always makes me smile.

Oh, I can’t wait for the next show!!!!!!!!! Whenever it will be, will be too long away.

its been a while...

Ok, Ok, I know its been a while since I last posted, but I have been a tad preoccupied. You see, I went to Sydney last week....for this not-so-well-known-in-Australia group called Celtic please forgive me (I'm also going to be posting my review here soon, but first things first...).
While is Sydney, I made sure to go and visit somewhere well known...I went and visited Zumbo! Twice to be exact...I went and visited The Lab in Rozelle and then his long skinny Pattiserie in Balmain.

The mural made famous by Adriano's DVD

The whole building this time

Menu inside The Lab

Shop in Darling Street, Balmain

Signage in Balmain
Of course, i bought some Zumbaron's to bring home to Perth! I got: 2x Milo, 2x Musk Stick, 2x Salted Caramel, 2x Raspberry Caramel, 2x 70% Chocolate, 1 Lychee and 1 Plum Pudding. They were yummy!