Saturday, December 24, 2011

Previously, on Survivor.....heyyyy who changed the channel?!?!

Okay, okay, so a bit of a weird title, but i basically just wanted to give a rundown of the sort of things i have baked before, in the medium i know best - SONG!!!!

Wait no, thats not right....I meant PHOTOGRAPHY! Check out the photos below for a taste of the things i have made...There would be more photos, but i'm sure many of you know just how reliable computers are...  :K ( lovely computer crashed a while back and naturally i hadn't back up my photos for a while...)

So okay, this technically isnt baking, but who hasn't had a go at Chocolate Crackles before??
 This cupcake of Cookie goodness was the result of watching The Cupcake Show podcast from Harwood Podcast Network
This gorgeous cake is Chocolate Guiness Cake, courtesy of a recipe from Nigella Lawson. Everyone who has ever tried it has loved it!

These gorgeous little chicks of cuteness are Cake Pops! I have only ever made them once (and i technically didn't bake) as they are soooooo fiddly! but i think the cute factor made it worth the effort

This is the awesomeness of a Giant Cupcake Mould! I have a silicon one, which isn't exactly the best, as chunks of cake get stuck to the mould. Still looks great, but if you want to buy one, i would suggest going for the metal, as others who have used those ones say they work much better.

Chocolate Tarts, both white and milk, with toffee banana on top
An experiment i did for my Twilight themed 23rd birthday party, Vampire Bite cupcakes
The Pièce de résistance, the cake I decorated, inspired by the cover of Twilight

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